Oldest Runner of the Great North Run 2015

An 83 year-old woman is the oldest runner of the Great North Run 2015.
This September marks another year of the Great North Run which takes place in North East England. Gladys Tingle joined thousands of others on Sunday 13th September to run the 13.1 mile half marathon. Gladys was ill as a child suffering from pneumonia and was unable to do any sport, however this did not stop Gladys achieving something wonderful. What a fabulous role model Gladys is, don’t you agree?
Since turning 70 she began running marathons and this March she also ran the Lincoln 10K to celebrate her birthday. What a fantastic way to celebrate!
Over the past few years she has raised up to £15,000 for various charities, raising over one thousand pounds before this years Great North Run.
This year she ran her 12th race and she has completed them all. Well done Gladys! We look forward to hearing more of Gladys’ future marathon victories!
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