t: 0161 214 5959
e: info@redbankhouse.com
Monday - Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm


3 Things That the Redbank House Team Loved About Kidz to Adultz North

redbank house banner with balloons and kidz to adultz north

Emma and Natasha attended Kidz to Adultz North. Both being based at Redbank House, they were able to offer information about our sensory rooms and room hire services. Natasha attended the set-up day for Kidz to Adultz North at Event City and returned for Disabled Living’s big day of celebrating 120 years of providing services. […]

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Redbank House Are Looking Forward to Kidz to Adultz North

redbank house sensory room with red lights

This year Danielle, Emma, and Natasha are representing Redbank House at Kidz to Adultz North. This will be Emma and Natasha’s first experience at Disabled Living’s popular event. Danielle attended the event when it was called Kidz Up North at the Reebok Stadium. That was 10 years ago! We’re looking forward to meeting both visitors […]

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