sensory room
March 20, 2019 | by RedbankAdmin | General
At Redbank House we have two sensory rooms where many visitors attend on a permanent basis. The sensory rooms cater for all ages and can help people with different needs to develop their sensory processing. We have previously shared reasons to love our sensory rooms so now we would like to share the reasons why […]
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July 12, 2017 | by RedbankAdmin | General
All children and adults with disabilities can benefit from using our sensory rooms at Redbank House. These environments have proven to be extremely valuable to those with disabilities. Some evidence suggests that those with challenging behaviour can improve and may be reduced over a long term period. Here are our 3 reasons to love your […]
Tags: Multi-sensory, sensory processing disorder, sensory room
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March 24, 2017 | by RedbankAdmin | General
The lovely Amanda one of our Sensurround users, took part in a celebrity style interview, to help me kick start my blog, as the new Business Development and Marketing Coordinator here at Redbank House. Amanda joined me along with Nicola and her father last week for her celebrity style interview. To begin I asked Amanda […]
Tags: Sensory, sensory room
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February 28, 2017 | by RedbankAdmin | General
Our sensory rooms are available from 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday, for a one hour slot. We have around 250 users per month; some have been attending for up to 15 years too! We asked our users what makes the Sensurround experience special to them. Trevor Rimmer attends weekly and has done so for […]
Tags: sensory room
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January 5, 2017 | by RedbankAdmin | General
Here at Redbank House we have lots going on – from the busy multi-sensory rooms, to making sure all the events here are running smoothly. Every day is different and we never know what challenge we will be faced with. We will spend the morning preparing for our first Sensurround users. The rooms will be […]
Tags: Manchester, Office Space, sensory room
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December 5, 2016 | by RedbankAdmin | General
What is a sensory room? A sensory room is an environment that creates events which focus on particular sense, such as feeling, vision and sound. The sensory rooms can create something much more abstract which can include sense of well-being, space, time and togetherness. This happens through special sound and visual effects. A sensory room […]
Tags: Children, Sensory, sensory room
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June 8, 2016 | by RedbankAdmin | General
What is a sensory room? A sensory room is an umbrella term used to categorise a broad variety of therapeutic spaces that are specifically designed and used to promote self-awareness and positive changes. There are multiple types of sensory room and all of these rooms have different purposes and practises. Overall sensory rooms help to […]
Tags: Multi-sensory, Sensory, sensory processing disorder, sensory room
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October 27, 2015 | by RedbankAdmin | General
Here at Redbank House, part of Disabled Living, we have two sensory rooms. They’re very exciting as colours flash through the fibre-optic strands along the floor, streams of blue and green simultaneously twinkle through the bubble tubes on either side of the room. The disco ball sparkles as our classical chill out music plays in […]
Tags: Manchester, Multi-sensory, sensory processing disorder, sensory room
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September 20, 2015 | by RedbankAdmin | General
The Redbank House team are very excited to launch our wonderful blog. It will be maintained by our lovely staff (yes we are lovely!), telling you what’s going on at Redbank House. We’ll also include regular guest blogs and information on sensory products and equipment. Who are we? Redbank House is proud to be part of Disabled […]
Tags: Manchester, Office Space, sensory room
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