What Is a Sensory Room and Who Can Use them?

What is a sensory room? A sensory room is an environment that creates events which focus on particular sense, such as feeling, vision and sound. The sensory rooms can create something much more abstract which can include sense of well-being, space, time and togetherness. This happens through special sound and visual effects.
A sensory room allows you to relax and interact with different elements in the room. Also, they help people with all types of disability to increase their sensory development.
Who can use them?
The sensory rooms here at Redbank House are used by people of all ages, ranging from babies (0-6 months) to older people (65+). The sensory rooms are suitable for people with and without disabilities. They come here to relax stimulate their senses and increase motor development.
Why should I use them?
Multi-sensory environments help people to increase concentration levels, improve alertness and general awareness of their surroundings. There are many more benefits of a multi-sensory environment especially for young children and babies as it can provide a way of encouraging learning, motor development, cognitive development and social interaction skills.
The sensory rooms are not just solely for the use of people with disabilities, even though they have shown to have many benefits.
Redbank House is Disabled Living’s Health and Social Care Hub in Cheetham. Our sensory rooms are open Monday to Friday. See if our sensory rooms are suitable for you and give us a call on 0161 214 5959.